How To Set Up Our Single Carb Velocity Stack
The best resource for how to set up our Single Carb Velocity Stack on your Honda Shadow is on our YouTube channel TJBRUTALCUSTOMS. We also have a video that shows what can be removed from the bike in the way of EPA components when installing stacks.

When you pick up your velocity stack you will need to make sure you have a few things-
- Velocity Stack
- Performance Tuning Kit
- Long Handled Air-Fuel Mix Screw (not 100% necessary but trust me when I say it will make the tuning process WAY faster)
- Vacuum Plug Kit
Optional but recommended -
Now if your carb has never been rebuilt... It is time! If you plan on installing a velocity stack, it's a wise idea to rebuild the carb and get it in tip top shape so you don't have to worry about any crusty old rubber parts being the cause of tuning woes! We offer a Performance Rebuild kit that not only includes everything you need to bring that carb back to better than new condition, but it also comes with the performance tuning kit!
We include a tuning sheet with every velocity stack order that helps you really dial in your new intake. =)
If you have the EPA system on your bike, you may need our AIS Block Off Plates as you will be removing the whole of the epa system on your bike.
Check out the videos!